Apprenticeship support
The UK’s leading authority on Healthcare Apprenticeships
Our experience in developing and supporting apprenticeships, means we have the expertise to assist you to deliver a seamless healthcare apprenticeship programme.
In this section:

Leading the way in Healthcare Apprenticeships (England)
We’re the leading authority on Healthcare Apprenticeships, working with Health Education England we manage and curate the national Standards for Healthcare Apprenticeships, with support for employers delivered on HASO (Healthcare Apprenticeship Standards Online). Health Education England sponsors the development of Trailblazer Apprenticeships in the Health Sector as part of the Talent for Care ‘Get in, Get on, Go Further’ themes and strategic aims.
Our team at Skills for Health facilitates the development of apprenticeship standards for use in the health sector in England. Health sector managers can use the HASO website to find a wide range of apprenticeships to train staff in clinical and non-clinical roles.
Apprenticeships Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Our team supports the development of health apprenticeship frameworks for use in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We maintain a range of resources on the Skills for Health Information Hub to guide employers and apprentices to relevant information about apprenticeships in healthcare for their region.
Visit the Information Hub to find resources for apprenticeships in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Preparing for the delivery of Apprenticeships and Ofsted
With a wide range of government apprenticeship reforms having taken place in England such as the introduction of the apprenticeships levy – it’s more important than ever for your organisation to be prepared and have an effective plan in place. How apprenticeships could benefit your organisation:
Help grow your own workforce and resolve long-term recruitment challenges
Retain, retrain and upskill existing staff and ensure talent is kept in the sector
Boost morale by offering professional development opportunities for your staff
Improve productivity and generate new creative ideas from a growing team
Utilise the Apprenticeship Levy funding and meet Government Apprenticeship targets
Map your Apprenticeship journey to help grow your own
We’ll work with you at whatever stage of the Apprenticeship journey you are at, whether you need to develop a new programme using national Healthcare Apprenticeship Standards, or are delivering in-house training and need to prepare for Ofsted inspection or support with End-Point Assessment for Apprenticeships in England.
As the government focuses renewed emphasis on apprenticeships, apprenticeship targets are likely to be a central part of your organisation’s workforce development and recruitment strategies. Are you ready to make the most of healthcare apprenticeships?
Book a free initial consultation
We have specialists who can meet you virtually or face-to-face to discuss your Apprenticeship challenges and goals. Find out how we can help develop your very own Apprenticeship programme to meet the needs of the future.
The team at Skills for Health helped to develop our organisation’s apprenticeship strategy. This was a collaborative and supportive process that enabled us to determine priorities in accordance with workforce challenges, and plan a systematic career progression framework.
Cathy Skilbeck, Clinical Workforce Development Coordinator – Organisational Development, York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Apprenticeship programme insights and articles
Read specialist insight pieces from some of the health sector’s leading Apprenticeship experts – or download brochures, case studies and reports from our extensive library.