Bulk buy discounts for employers
CSTF training
From the authors of the Core Skills Training Framework. Ensure your teams are compliant and up to speed with the latest legislation and regulations. Cover all your statutory and mandatory training requirements in one eLearning bundle.
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Volume licensing discounts
Unlimited access to CSTF courses per user/per year.
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£50 (one-off payment)
Access for 1 year | £50 |
Access for 3 years | ❎ |
Access for 5 years | ❎ |
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For 50 learners
From £27.30 per learner
Access for 1 year | £31.20 |
Access for 3 years | £28.08 |
Access for 5 years | £27.30 |
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For 100 learners
From £24.57 per learner
Access for 1 year | £28.08 |
Access for 3 years | £25.27 |
Access for 5 years | £24.57 |
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For 250 learners
From £21.16 per learner
Access for 1 year | £24.18 |
Access for 3 years | £21.76 |
Access for 5 years | £21.16 |
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For 500 learners
From £17.95 per learner
Access for 1 year | £20.51 |
Access for 3 years | £18.46 |
Access for 5 years | £17.95 |
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CSTF Mandatory Core Skills eLearning Bundle
Ensure your teams are compliant and up to speed with the latest legislation and regulations. Cover all your statutory and mandatory training requirements in one eLearning bundle.
Bundle includes
Our CSTF bundle includes the following courses. The bundle offers employers the best value for money, especially when purchased in bulk. Note that Primary Care versions of some courses are also available.
Develop an awareness of the risks of providing public help, dealing with conflict, and an understanding of what is available to support you in this effectively and safely.
This course is an introduction to the key equality and diversity issues that you need to understand and apply in your role on a day-to-day basis.
This course delivers a detailed understanding of equality and diversity and helps learners apply that knowledge in the healthcare environment. This course is for healthcare professionals with a remit for greater knowledge of the key protected characteristics and/ or promoting awareness of these standards.
Statutory training on the nature and causes of fire in healthcare facilities, with instruction in fire prevention, signage and equipment, and what to do when a fire starts.
A course covering the responsibilities of both employers and employees in ensuring that facilities are safe for staff, patients and visitors. The course also covers how to manage risk and the procedures for reporting health and safety violations.
Everyone has a role to play in the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infection (HCAI). Learners can explore the effects of healthcare-associated infections, how they are spread and how to help to prevent the spread of infection.
This course provides an opportunity to review in more depth the use of standard infection prevention and control measures.
Information governance is essential training for all staff. This course enables learners to gain understanding of how to use principles and standards in their everyday work. This session aims to provide healthcare staff with an introduction to information governance including the principles of confidentiality, data protection, subject access requests and freedom of information requests.
This course explains what Moving and Handling is and how an injury might affect you. It explores why we need to manage risk when completing manual handling tasks and how we assess these risks and the principles of safer handling.
This session provides an introduction to Patient Moving and Handling. While Patient Moving and Handling is a very practical subject, this session aims to introduce you to the key topics in addition to any practical training you may be undertaking.
Understand the Prevent strategy particularly in context of safeguarding, using a wealth of examples to help learners understand what to do if they notice signs that someone may be at risk of radicalisation.
Develop an understanding of the importance of resuscitation when dealing with cardiac arrest and what you should do when it happens.
Understand your role and responsibility in a practical interactive course looking at emergency response and interventions in basic life support for adults.
Understand your role and responsibility in a practical interactive course looking at emergency response and interventions in basic life support for children.
This Safeguarding Adults eLearning course provides staff in all roles within healthcare with an introduction to the key concepts and principles of safeguarding adults. The course uses a number of real-world scenarios across a range of healthcare settings and roles to stimulate discussion and reflection on how individual staff should consider safeguarding in their role.
This course centres around preventing, identifying and responding to safeguarding adults’ concerns by applying the principles of the Mental Capacity Act. It also provides knowledge about responsibilities to raise concerns, maintaining a professional awareness of how your own values and beliefs may affect your judgement, and keep detailed records of your concerns and actions.
This course highlights relevant competencies required where the staff engage in assessing, planning, and evaluating the needs of adults where there are safeguarding concerns. This includes appropriate supervision of staff involved in actual or potential safeguarding issues, information gathering and making informed decisions. This is viewed within the context of the Care Act 2014 and related legislation and how each aspect fits within the safeguarding adult’s enquiry process.
This safeguarding children eLearning course provides staff in all roles within healthcare with an introduction to the key concepts and principles of safeguarding children. The session uses a number of real-world scenarios across a range of healthcare settings and roles to stimulate discussion and reflection on how individual staff can and should consider safeguarding in their role.
Safeguarding children and young people from harm and providing an environment in which children can flourish is a key societal value. This level 1 session aims to help all staff – both clinical and non-clinical, and volunteers – familiarise themselves with the key concepts and principles of safeguarding children.
Safeguarding children and child protection legislation is updated regularly and this course is kept up to date in this regard. This session may include information that you have not previously been taught, (for example female genital mutilation, radicalisation, and recognising when a colleague’s behaviour may indicate they are abusing a child or children).
Safeguarding children is everyone’s business but certain professional groups (including police, teachers and healthcare staff) have statutory responsibilities with regards to safeguarding children and child protection. This safeguarding children course includes safeguarding children at level 2 and is suitable for workers who work with children or parents/ carers on regular basis.
The safeguarding children level 2 eLearning course provides staff with a more detailed understanding of the issues associated with safeguarding children and child protection.
Safeguarding children is everyone’s business but certain professional groups (including police, teachers and healthcare staff) have statutory responsibilities with regards to safeguarding children and child protection. This safeguarding children course includes safeguarding children at level 3 and is suitable for workers who work with children or parents/ carers on regular basis.
Cost-effective, quality assured online learning
Our in-house healthcare eLearning specialists work with industry leaders to ensure online training courses meet current topics, trends, and policies. Delivered on a secure, mobile-first platform for an unparalleled learning experience.
Volume discounts
Benefit from significant volume discounts
CSTF experts
Experts in mapping stat/man eLearning to the CSTF
The leading not-for-profit online learning provider
Training at any time on any device
LMS solution
Delivered on our LMS or your own LMS.
Healthcare eLearning
500,000+ annual course completions
LearnSpace is our intuitive and customisable learning management system, based on Totara Learn.
Features include: compliance dashboard, statutory and mandatory training management, organisation and user management, personalised branding, and more.
Enquire now
To discuss your requirements and pricing, contact our team of eLearning experts. You can purchase the CSTF eLearning bundle for less than 50 learners online today.
eLearning for healthcare related insights
Read specialist insight pieces from some of the health sector’s leading experts – or download brochures, case studies and reports from our extensive library.